July at the Gardens


The gardens of the Greek Theater


Throughout July Farm to Table will pop-up a restaurant inside the manicured gardens of the Greek Theater offering a menu centered around local produce and producers. A perfect summer evening for anyone interested in a unique culinary experience only open for one month a year on one of the city’s most exclusive terraces with incredible views.

How It Works

On one side of the gardens you’ll find different bars and stands that will open at 20h to serve food and drink before the show.

And on the other side of the gardens our pop-up restaurant will open to the first seating at 20h for anyone with tickets to that night’s show, and then will open the second seating to one and all, with or without ticket, at 22:15h. 


From June 26th through July 27th 2024


Restaurant del Grec Pg. Santa Madrona, 36


The summer season 2024 has ended.




A Magical View

The bar and food stands
Bars and kitchens will open up in the stands at 20h for the pre-show service.
The restaurant
To make sure the Farm to Table pop-up restaurant is open to everyone we have a tasting menu and a vegan menu, both created with local produce and producers at their core. Both menus are gluten-free.
Phone :
693 861 862
Costumer service hours: 16h to 21h
Email: reserves@farmtotable.cat
From June 26th through July 27th

The 2024 calendar

The restaurant will open the following days:

In June: 26, 27, 28 and 29

In July: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26 and 27

The first seating (at 20:00h / 8pm) is exclusively open to ticket-holders, except for June 29th and July 20th, when it’ll be open for everyone – with or without tickets for the Grec Festival.

The second seating (at 22:15h / 10:15pm) is open to everyone.

The Tasting Menu

Welcome cocktail

Fruit and berry salad with Iberian ham
over a seasonal tomato purée

Smoked sardine, slow-roasted vegetable ‘escalivada’
and Kalamata olives

Choice of mains:

Garlic cod confit with Padrón peppers

Slow-roasted Duroc pork ribs, arugula in an orange vinaigrette and organic french fries

Choice of desserts: 

Sorbet of the day with a berry medley

Caramelized cream roll cake,
served with a mixed nut crumble

Water and bread included


The Vegan Menu

Welcome cocktail

Fruit and berry salad with crispy quinoa crumbs
over a seasonal tomato purée

Cauliflower couscous tossed with mixed vegetables
in a vinaigrette and toasted hazelnuts

Organic veggies, coconut and kimchi chop suey over rice


Sorbet of the day with a berry medley

Water and bread included


Les dates

El calendari 2023

Copa de benvinguda

Crema de tomàquet de temporada, amanida de fruits vermells i pernil ibèric

Sardina fumada, escalivada i olives kalamata

A triar: 

Bacallà confitat a l’allet amb pebrots del padró

Costella de porc duroc a baixa temperatura, ruca amb vinagreta de taronja i patates fregides eco

Postres a triar: 

Sorbet del dia amb fruits vermells

Braçet de nata, pa de pessic, nata i crema cremada amb crumble de fruits secs

Aigua i pa inclòs


just a few of our clients